Our Services

Odheya Program

We so kindly request you provide sacrifices for the benefit of these impoverished individuals living in the hardest circumstances in the diaspora camps in Palestine (Gaza), Yemen, and Syria and bring happiness to their hearts during the wonderful days of Eid. Right now, help us by paying the cost of a sacrifice; be sure your gift will find those who deserve it.

Ramadan Food Basket

By means of fundraising and food basket assembly, Ramadan Food Basket aims to help families in need. The staple items in our food baskets enable families to produce balanced, healthful meals during the glorious month of Ramadan. The holy month of Ramadan provides a substantial reward that ALLAH multiplies.

Hajj Services

We thrive smoothly and reasonably priced Hajj groups every year and create Hajj packages for people on certain dates who would like to go for their convenience. We are known as the finest in offering reasonably priced Hajj packages to Muslims throughout Canada.

Family Counseling

The value placed on the family in Muslim civilization is among its most stunning aspects. Families struggle over little things nowadays. Often, seeking counseling and arbitration from a scholar helps to settle conflicts from the perspective of the Quran and Sunnah.


We will provide you with reliable, clear, comprehensible knowledge about separation and divorce in Canada. Together with some of Canada’s greatest divorce lawyers, we proudly assist you in receiving the ideal divorce counsel, answers, and help required to make the correct judgments through this procedure.


Every love story at Save as Soul is unique and ought to be shared in an elegant manner. Our marriage services and careful attention to detail guarantee that your unique day will be memorable. So let’s make your dream day fantastic with us.