Welcome To Save A Soul

Family Counseling & Ramadan Food Baskets!

A strong Muslim community is ready to produce decades of leaders who will help all Canadians prosper.

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Family Counseling

Empowering Lives with Islamic Counseling and Support Driven by Faith.

We offer complete Islamic guidance and support to promote community welfare, family peace, and personal growth.

Shiekh Ahmad Shehab

Founder & Manager of Save A Soul Charity (In Canada)

Major Projects Performed Annualy

We carry out important projects every year emphasizing community development, health campaigns, and cultural enrichment to improve society’s well-being.

Odheya Program

Thousands of families displaced by wars from our refugee brothers in the camps are waiting for the advent of Eid Al-Adha.

Hajj Enaba

Representation in Hajj: for one person to perform Hajj on behalf of another, and it is lawful and many hadiths were mentioned in it.

Water Distribution

Water is something we rely on every day – almost every hour of every day. Yet, worldwide, 2.2 billion still lack access to safe drinking water (UNICEF).

Donate To Us

Charity is what a servant gives to the poor and needy, whether in kind or in cash, willingly, in order to draw closer to God Almighty. Charity is one of the deeds encouraged by the Islamic religion and commanded by the Lord of His servants. Because of its many benefits, God Almighty said, commanding His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace: (Say to My servants who have believed to establish prayer and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and openly, before the day comes when there will be no sale.)

Our Services

Exploring Services: Finding Support and Relief

Get comprehensive services to satisfy different demands and improve general well-being, providing support and relief.

In The Media

Media is very important to show what we do. These are some of the appearance of Shiekh Ahmad Shehab (Founder and Manager of Sae A Souls Foundation).

Youtube Chanel Videos

Our work depends a lot on the YouTube channel’s video media. These are some videos that you will like.